The AviatorSo our little trip to Seattle this month marked Henry's first time on an airplane. He loved the airport and all the people and planes! Honestly, we could have probably just spent three days there and he would've been thrilled. Once we were on the plane, Henry made fast friends with Joan, the flight attendant, and scored on treats, drinks and several winks! He mostly looked out the window and said, "We go real fast!"
The Great NorthwestWell, the weather was wonderful for us in Seattle and we hit the streets and sights immediately. Henry was super excited that there was a train "up high in the air" that ran by our hotel (the Monorail). We walked the town and took in tons of good food.
The boys at the Space Needle
Waiting on the Monorail
Riding on the Monorail
Boys Day Out
I was busy with a day-long conference on Friday, so Jeremy and Henry hit the town together. Although Jeremy tried to keep Henry in the hotel room as long as possible in the morning, once Henry saw I had my shoes on, he insisted that he get his on too. They visited the Seattle Center first, looking for our favorite breakfast place. Jeremy was sad to find that it had relocated and changed up their menu and they wouldn't be open until 12:00. They then walked on down to the waterfront to tour the Aquarium. Henry was facinated with the otters and the sharks. Next, it was clam chowder time! Although Hank wasn't too impressed with Seattle's finest soup, he did like the complimentary oyster crackers. They next walked Pike's Place Market and watched all the vendors setting up for the day.
Something at the Aquarium caught his eye
Jeremy & Henry at lunch on the waterfront
Henry and the famous Pike's Place Market Pig
There was more fun to be had the final days of our vacation. We hung out at the Seattle Children's Museum where Henry got to meet Bob the Builder face to face. (He wasn't impressed.) But he did enjoy the interactive Bob the Builder display of kid-sized construction trucks and tools for him to use. We stayed and played until Hank could play no more. He fell asleep on our way back to the hotel. He slept and slept, and snored and SNORED!
Fun at the Seattle Children's Museum
More fun at the Seattle Children's Museum
Something Smells The third night we ordered in some Thai food (again, Henry was not impressed.) So, Jeremy ran and picked up a slice of pizza across the street. This slice of cheese pizza was so laden with garlic that you could smell it coming, I swear. To make a long story, short, has anyone ever smelled a 2-year-old running around a confined area such as a hotel room working up a sweat after he's eaten garlic?
Hotel fun
Even more hotel fun
The Emerald City The last few days of our trip were dedicated to Hank since he'd been such a good sport riding around the city in his stroller. We visited the Pacific Science Center and hung out at the Seattle Center just running around and playing at the small carnival where the World's Fair was once held.
"Going real fast" in the Seattle Center Park
Pacific Science Center Dinosaur Exhibit
Pigs can fly!
Tired, cranky boy
Hungy boy
Driving at the fair at the Space Needle
Driving at the fair at the Space Needle