What do you do with a whole extra day that only comes along once every four years? Well, if you're lucky, your cousin Zoe will call you up and ask you to play. Henners, Reese, Cousins Zoe and Isabella and Aunt Kimberly decided that an extra day makes them hungry. So we took the kids to Arctic Circle. The folks that own this restaurant claim "it's where the good stuff is". Henry claims it's where the indoor slippery slide is.
Here's the kiddies eating and surprisingly behaving. Maybe that "good stuff" is some sort of sedative to relax the kids.

Turns out, there is no sedative in Arctic Circle's food. After the kids finished their meals and Henry got over his corn dog envy (don't get me started) they still had enough energy to run around and play on the indoor play equipment for over an hour. I didn't document this playtime, but it DID happen. Oh yeah, they also saved room for ice cream.

After all the fun had been had and there wasn't any more to have, it was time for the cousins to say goodbye. Zoe wanted a hug. Henner's thought he'd make her want it a little more.

So Very Pretty
Thursday nights, Reesie and I spend about an hour or so alone together before the boys get home. Sometimes we play, sometimes we read. This Thursday, we posed for pretty pictures. I didn't caption them because I can only think of so many ways to say how very, very pretty Reese is. The little bear she is playing with is so special to us. Keely gave it to Reese the last time we saw her. We call the bear Teely (for Tim and Keely).

The Uninvited House Guest
Also on Leap Day, I decided it was time to do a headcount to make sure all of our family was accounted for. I began counting the four of us, I added two extra for the cats, plus two more for the dogs. I even counted Master-P (Henry's fish). The crickets were dead so no need to count them. Just then, I noticed one more thing lurking about.

Wait. That wasn't a very good look at him. Let me zoom in a little closer.

A spider! A spider? Yes, a spider! Well, this would not do. I didn't have nearly enough fresh sheets and towels for the little guy and the crickets were long gone so I had nothing to feed him. Just then, Jeremy sprung into action. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a handful of rubber bands. He began shooting.

And shooting.

Still shooting. The spider was getting wise to him now and began almost taunting my husband. Even Henry was getting impatient. Here he is saying, "Get 'em, Dad," or shouting, "Let me do it!"
Reese and I were nervous and a little embarrassed for Jeremy.

Eventually the menacing spider was extracted from his perch near the ceiling. Good. Jeremy would like me to let you all know that he successfully shot the spider down. I would like you to all know the truth. Jeremy had to resort to snapping a twin sized blanked up and down the wall to broadly sweep the thing down.
Here's the two men of the house inspecting the spider.

Here's me and Reesie so happy that this whole ordeal is over.