The Boulevard of Broken 3000 WestWell, folks, I have no new pictures for you to view of my handsome husband and my beautiful child. You see, Sunday, tragedy hit our family in the form of a broken camera. It all started innocently enough.....The three of us were outside working on the yard when we decided to take an impromptu trip to the store. When we returned, I remembered that I was going to take some pictures of Henry outside before we left and I knew I had taken our camera outside. With all the shuffle and commotion, I left the camera on the bumper of the truck. I neglected to pick it up before we loaded up in the truck and headed down the street for the store.
Once I realized the camera must have been on the bumper for the ride, we immediately loaded up again and went hunting for it. As we turned onto 3000 West, there, gleaming in the sun, was the smashed remains of our camera. Luckily I had just emptied the memory card so no images were lost. But we did lose the camera and the memory card.
So instead of pictures of our plucky family, this week I offer you the artistic musings of Henry! I have posted two art projects he's recently completed at school.

The Accidental Ebay-erOn Monday night, I noticed the house was quieter than usual. I knew better than to cherish this silence - I suspected either Henry or Jeremy (or even worse, the combination of the two) were up to something. And it was most likely messy and distructive. So, I did a quick sweep of the house to assess the situation. I immediately found my son in his room plowing through books and puzzles. (What an angel!) I then set my sights on my husband.
Why was he so quiet? What was he doing?
First, I checked the bathroom - nope, nothing there. Then I heard the faintest "click, click" sound coming from the office. I walked in to find him frantically minimizing the internet window on the computer. He swiveled around in the chair and I could see the embarrassed look on his face. All I remember next was his incoherent rambling about how he didn't mean to bid on ebay, and he "accidentally" won his bid. It turns out Jeremy bid on an Edge Chip to upgrade the horsepower and torque on our truck.
I won't tell you how much it cost, but Jeremy insists that I tell you he saved our family $445 by getting it on ebay. For the record, I think this is the
second time Jeremy has "accidentally" won his auction on ebay. Boy, is he lucky or what?