Since the warmer weather has invaded, Henry's goal from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm is to have his "shoes on" and be outside. We have to be extra creative in the morning hours to keep him in until the sun comes up. Typically, he enjoys taking his Mummum (me) and his wagon for a walk to the park (he knows the way), or planting his collection of rubber snakes in our bushes. We kick his many soccer balls and "go fast" (run) up and down the sidewalk.
Endless Love
Henry sure can pick 'em. First his Aunt Traci, now our neighbor and my good friend, Michelle. He absolutely must visit her every day to ask her "Shell, watcha doin'?" Sometimes he just stares at her and smiles. We haven't broken the news to Michelle's husband Paul just yet, but I think he's caught on to the money trail left behind from the endless supply of cookies she offers to Henry.
Most Egg-cellent
We had the best Easter! Although the three of us were under the weather, we still were able to enjoy our weekend activities. On Saturday, Henry went to the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt at our park. And can I just tell you...the kid cleaned house! We did cheat a bit and have several dry runs prior to the actual event, but still, Henry's got skills! Sunday, we took the dogs to Deep Creek and hiked for a little bit. We then got to visit with most all of the Grandparents. Later, Henners went on three more egg hunts and, again, made a steal. That night, we barbecued with our neighbors and played lawn games.

Hanging together
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