Julee and Chris seem excited. Bowman-Parris seems indifferent.

Oh, wait, she's happy!

Julee's pretty nails and her classy Cheetos appetizer.

We had a cluster mess at the fondue pot.

Here's Julee pointing out the obvious.

Here's Lisa and her spiffy new bangs.

Here's Sara rockin' out to her workout mix holding her 3rd, 4th, 5th glass of wine. Who's counting?

Several bottles of wine were also consumed (most of those by Sara) who reminded us throughout the night that her bedtime was 9:00 pm. She also insisted several times that we make a decision to either watch a movie or go to bed. We decided to do neither and just stay up and talk. This must have confused her. She asked us about the movie vs. bed thing a couple of more times, gave up and began asking for the wine bottle instead.
FFV: A vay-cay in L.A. at the impressionable age of 10. She went with her father and took a touristy tour of the city visiting the Mann's Chinese Theater and hopped on a home of the stars tour that included Lucille Ball's home. Little did she know at the time that this trip would forever instill in her a deep love for celebrity hook-up and scandal.
First Kiss: Colby Earl. Nuff said.
Celebrity Crush: (Dead) Mr. Shadow Dancin' himself Andy Gibb. (Alive) She'll settle for Andy's older brother Barry.

First Kiss: Her answer was by far the most shocking of the evening and made for interesting dinner and breakfast conversation/speculation. Sara's first kiss was in third grade with a foreign exchange student named Paulo in a closet. Her memory was a little cloudy due to the fact that it happened at a time before she had learned long division. Also contributing to the fuzzy details? Four glasses of wine. Once we questioned her further, we believe Paulo might have been an enterprising young man from West Valley City working his way through the upper east side charming 3rd graders back in the early 80's. Sorry, Sara.
Celebrity Crush: John Mayer, Edward Norton, Orlando Bloom and Jude Law. It should also be pointed out that while the other girls had their turn to tell their deepest longings for celebrity crushes that I've now posted on our blog, Sara kept interjecting more celebrities that she thought were hot. I lost track at some point.

Bowman-Parris (Sarah)
FFV: A sweet memory of a train ride during the summer of her 7th birthday. Her family caught a train in Twin Falls, Idaho and ventured to San Diego, California stopping to visit with two sets of Grandparents along the way. And just like Paulo made the other Sara feel so very special, this Sarah also felt special by getting to ride in the dining car of the train at such a young age.
First Kiss: Some guy named Matt...when she was 18 going on 19. (Sarah was home schooled and obviously discouraged from talking to foreign exchange students)
Celebrity Crush: Christian Bale. Now, I should point when Sarah revealed her celebrity crush most of the girls squealed and claimed Christian as their own. Everyone except for Lisa. She had never heard of him and was curious. All of us began shouting out the titles to his movies and random factoids about the actor. It's really scary how much we all know about Christian Bale.
FFV: A family road trip across the US to visit her older sister who had just moved to Miami. While she was caught up in a moment describing all the fun site and cities they visited along the way, Julee grilled her on how they managed to fit five kids and all their luggage inside one car for such a long road trip.
First Kiss: The classic first kiss for a Utah girl. Sixth grade, summertime, neighbor's cousin from California on the hammerhead ride at Lagoon. Did I mention he looked like a surfer with his bleach blonde hair? We were all so jealous.
Celebrity Crush: Roger Federer. However, we believe that with our guidance and proper direction at her local video store her new crush will be Christian Bale.
FFV: A trip to Key West eight or nine years back to celebrate her sister's 40th birthday. Awww.
First Kiss: Oddly enough, a foreign exchange student named Paulo. No, not really. It was 7th or 8th grade at one of those pre-teen parties with a popular boy at school named Jeff B. I bet somewhere Mr. Jeff B. is recanting his version of the story to friends. Except his story involves a young Miss Chris wearing her tempting Catholic School Girl skirt with a sassy top.
Celebrity Crush: Chris "something-or-other" from the Avalanche Hockey Team. She didn't remember his name and I'm now convinced that she might not even know what he looks like due to the hockey mask covering his face.

FFV: My parents driving down to surprise me at college to help me mend a broken heart. They scooped me up, drove to Las Vegas with no hotel reservations. After that, we toured northern Arizona and on to the Grand Canyon. It was the best ever because we didn't really have a plan.
First Kiss: 7th grade. His name was Jack and it was awful. It was on my friend's trampoline and he nearly knocked my teeth out.
Celebrity Crush: Gary Oldman, but then I was reminded of Christian Bale.

The Aftermath
The next morning me, Julee and Sara woke up early and decided that we better watch at least one movie to make Sara happy. The three of us sat wrapped in blankets and watched Say Anything starring Ione Skye and John Cusak. The three of us would now like to amend our celebrity crush to John Cusak.
We met Chris and Lisa for breakfast at Ruth's Diner up Emigration Canyon where we were served by a nice guy who we think was trying to be British with us. Strange.
1 comment:
You seriously did not have enough wine if you were able to remember all of those details with such clarity!!!!
Oh I forgot your current crush: Iphone - nuff said
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