Sunday I noticed that Henry has skills. His first skill? The 4-wheeler. Here he is demonstrating his prowess on his mega machine.

Jeremy showed Henners how to use the throttle on the thing and Henry's been doing doughnuts on our lawn ever since.
Skill number two? Mad soccer ball skills. Here's Henners showing off his footwork.
Here's Henners showing his lounging with the ball skills.
I'm not sure what type of skill this is.
Here's Reese and I watching Henry's skills.
Here's Henry showing his holding the ball skills.
Here's Henry showing his skill and gaining sympathy.
The third skill? Art.
Compulsory Floor Exercises
So, if you check the right hand column of our blog that talks about each of our interests, likes and so on, you'll notice in the "Dislikes" area under Henry that he doesn't much care for naps. This is because he is the busiest person ever and he's so afraid that he'll miss something if he naps. I usually comfort him by insisting that he won't miss a thing. However, on this particular day, while he slept upstairs in his room, he missed this...
Total cuteness of Reese.
He even missed more cuteness.
He missed flirting.
And a staring contest.

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