For instance, this weekend, Reese ate peas.

This was her face when she first tried the peas. If unawesome were a word, that's what she would have said.

She eventually warmed up to the idea of the peas.
She now makes a "yum" sound when she eats them. Her and those peas have reached a mutual understanding of deliciousness.

Oh, also, this happened.

and this too ....

On Sunday we were invited up to Jeremy's parent's house for prime rib dinner and to meet Karly's new boyfriend, Josh and his mother. We were in the middle of potty training Henners, but we decided we should go. I thought we should go for Karly's sake. Jeremy thought we should go for the meat's sake. (That is really what he said).
Here's a picture of Karly's boyfriend, Josh.
Oh, wait a minute, he didn't come! He ended up with some sort of stomach flu and pink eye. So we just talked about him and ate his portion of the food. I like to think that's how he would have wanted it to be.
During dinner, Henry removed himself several times from the table to go outside and "just think about it." He would go sit on the back porch alone for a few seconds and then peek inside the window at the rest of us.

There were also a few failed attempts to teach Henry to pee in the "great outdoors" as Jeremy called it, or off the back porch as the rest of us called it.
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