Jeremy, Reese and I were out and about Saturday afternoon and look who we bumped into! Tim and Keely! (I need more exclamation points!!!)
What fortunate luck that we ran into them...of course this was after trading several emails, then even more text messages to arrange a place to meet up and have lunch. But still, for those of you who don't know, these two are super travelers / rock climbers / boarders / skiers / snowshoers (basically anything with an "er" on the end of it) who don't stay put for too long. They did however make time in their vacation meet us for lunch.
Here they are holding their cute Reesie.
Even more holding.
Keely got some one on one time with Reesie. You can't tell from this picture, but Reese was making eyes at Tim. She had a staring contest with him. She totally hosed him. He so blinked first. In his defense, he came unprepared.
After suffering the staring contest defeat, Tim held Reese so she could make eyes at Keely.
But then Keely stole her back. Reese tried to eat Keely's hair and her beaded necklace, among other things. Reese was totally jealous of our yummy looking food so I fed her a little bit of her strained peas. I didn't document it, but Tim and Keely got to see Reesie's "yuck" face after she takes the first bite of her food.
We lunched at talked for a while. We tried to decide who Reese looked like the most. At first we thought Keely. But then, no, it was Tim. Then we thought wait, Keely. We eventually settled on that she is a perfect mix of both.
We talked about their upcoming travels, Tim's awesome hair, the cuteness of Reesie, Henry's shenanigans, car wrecks and their tricked out van. It was then time for us to part ways for our planned adventures of the day. Tim and Keely were rock climbing up Little Cottonwood Canyon, while Jeremy, Reese and I were tackling an equally impressive feat: Ikea on a Saturday afternoon.
Look What We Did! So while, the pictures of Tim and Keely summiting a mountain might be a little more awe inspiring and interesting to many, I did manage to document our almost as physically challenging excursion to the Ikea in Draper. *We were met with just as many obstacles as any Utah mountain has to offer.* (*Claim not substantiated or even true)
- We encountered wind (seriously, did everyone notice how dirty the valley looked?) It blew Reesie's blanket right off the top of her stroller and made havoc with my hair.
- We encountered hundreds of other shoppers wandering aimlessly throughout the maze/store.
- We totally had to wait at least 3 minutes for the elevator to the second level. (I need to ask Tim if this is ever occurs when summiting a mountain)
- We suffered boredom. Here's Reese totally over Ikea while we wandered in the bedding section.
- We suffered setbacks. Like when we got lost in the kitchen wares portion of the store. We had to double back through the maze to find the check out stands. There were a few minutes there I didn't think we were going to make it. Jeremy is a great support system.
- We came across a strange phenomenon. Jeremy and I seriously saw so many pregnant women. Up until this weekend, we had only been in the Ikea on Sundays first thing in the morning. What's up with all the pregos shopping on Saturday? More importantly, what do they all do with their Sunday mornings?
After all that, here's what we ended up putting in our shopping basket.
That's right. Just one measly cutting board, a set of tupperware, 6 plastic cups and some furniture pads. We found our way to the check out and saw nothing but long lines before us full of even more pregnant women checking out. So we did what any self respecting couple would do. We ditched our stuff and decided to leave.
On our way out, we passed by the cinnamon rolls. My friend Kylee is always raving about these and claims it's a tradition to get one whenever you go to Ikea. So Jeremy and I decided to begin a new tradition at Ikea.
Now don't get me wrong, the cinnamon rolls were fine. But I was hoping for the gooey, melty, half frosting-half crack goodness of the Cinnabun cinnamon rolls. To us, the Ikea rolls were much like their furniture; semi-sturdy, kind of nice to look at, but mostly utilitarian.
Here's Reesie hoping a piece of cinnamon roll falls sideways from my hand, hops over the handle of her car seat and down directly into her mouth. Sorry, kiddo. When you're older, maybe 9 months, I'll teach you about the laws of physics.
After our "new tradition" cinnamon roll, the three of us ventured outside (more wind) to engage in the long held tradition we like to call, "Where did we park?"
One Final Note On the way home I tried to amuse Jeremy by doing my best impression of his travel buddy steering clear of the tumbleweed while driving. This inside joke is so inside that only Jeremy and I think it's funny.

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