This Fourth of July, our family, along with some close friends decided to celebrate our country's independence by exercising our First Amendment and Second Amendment Rights; the right to peaceably assemble (backyard party) and the right to bear arms (fireworks) in that order.
We were so busy this weekend and I am so very tired (the combination of fireworks and cough medicine kill me ever time) that I am offering you only the Cliff's Notes version of our fast and furious Fourth of July Spectacular Featuring The Second Annual Sidewalk of Fire.
Our Friday, Fourth of July can be broken down like this:
Morning to Early Afternoon: Insta-care, hand-cart enthusiast doctor, Amoxicillian, Penicillin, lazy pharmacist, Home Depot, Roman shades, Roman candles, swimming, lounging, frolicking, chip-dippin', hip-slippin', more swimming, thinking about it, nap taking, Walmart crowd fighting, swinging, house cleaning.
We were so busy this weekend and I am so very tired (the combination of fireworks and cough medicine kill me ever time) that I am offering you only the Cliff's Notes version of our fast and furious Fourth of July Spectacular Featuring The Second Annual Sidewalk of Fire.
Our Friday, Fourth of July can be broken down like this:
Morning to Early Afternoon: Insta-care, hand-cart enthusiast doctor, Amoxicillian, Penicillin, lazy pharmacist, Home Depot, Roman shades, Roman candles, swimming, lounging, frolicking, chip-dippin', hip-slippin', more swimming, thinking about it, nap taking, Walmart crowd fighting, swinging, house cleaning.

To see the entire collection of Reese's first swimming day click here.
Mid to Late Afternoon: Barbecuing mounds of meat, barbecuing mounds of faux meat, Freedom hot dogs, Henry's love interest, cuddling, swooning, tag playing, freedom tag playing, four wheeling in the backyard, bird watching, bug catching.

Early Evening: Ice cream refreshment, ice cream resentment, hot dog dropping (twice), sorbet eating, flirting, more ice cream refreshment, big hat wearing.
Still Early Evening: Reflecting on feelings of freedom,reflecting on feelings of fatigue, stern father figure, smoke bombs in the backyard, snaps spit-wadding (invention of a weapon, folks!), injuries, feats of strength.
Late Evening or as we like to call it The Sidewalk of Fire (second annual): Sparklers, Zombies on fire, Paul almost on fire, Golden Showers (the firework), more smoke bombs, prairie dog impersonations, sneaking up on Henry, startling Henry, camera frustration, camera elation, PSP playing, late-night Maverick Icee runs, midnight tag playing, cuddling, rave gear, buckets of bombs.
To see the rest of our fun on the 4th click here to be linked to our flickr page.
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