If you give a man a fish, you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish...
....he’ll book expensive guided trips on the river, take pictures of all the monster fish he hooked and send said pictures to abruptly change the subject when he is totally outclassed in celebrity slash sports scandal smack. Boo-ya!
[Updated 7.08.08] [About Reese] Age: Just shy of nine months! Mood: Sweet, interested in everything and flirty. Nicknames: Reesie and Reesie-goo. (ala Henry) Food: Very independent eater now. Must feed herself and will settle for me helping her or spooning food only when desperate. Music: Children's music, Thomas The Tank Engine Theme Song or The Office theme song. You should see her shake it! Books:Love You Forever, Millie Moo and Counting Kisses. Television: None. Movies: None. Likes: Eating, watching people eat, her bottle, being involved in the action. Dislikes: Being wet, tired or hungry or not eating. Heros: Tim and Keely and Henry too.
[About Henry] Age: Three and a half Mood: Happy, tender hearted, born to entertain, such a comedian. Nicknames: Henners, Hank, Sancho, Manster or Little Man. Food: Anything he thinks is chicken, peanutbutter sandwiches, Capri Suns, spaghetti. Music:Spongebob and Shrek CDs. Books:If You Gave a Moose a Muffin, all his Scooby Doo books, and Dinosaur books. Television: Spongebob Sqaurepants, Scooby Doo, Barnyard, Ninja Warrior (with Dad) and The Deadliest Catch (the crab show) Movies:Seriously too many to name. Likes: Neighbor lady Michelle, gymnastics, robots, trains, dinosaurs, 4-wheeler, pets, kicking soccer balls, grandmas, baths, swimming, running, Lexa and Uncle Jake. Dislikes: Pickles, vegetables, time outs, naps, and leaving the grandma's houses, Heros: Spiderman, Buzz Lightyear, Dad [About Jen] Age: Thirty-six. I'm okay with that. Mood: Happy. Content. Nicknames: Jenbo, Lover, Hey You. Food: (For the moment) Tandoor and grilled cheese sandwitches. Music: Linkin Park, Muse, Panic at the Disco Books: Anything written by David Sedaris (funny!), all of Jennifer Weiner's books, The Lovely Bones. Television:The Office, 30 Rock, Lost, Colbert Report, Arrested Development, The Daily Show. Movies:Dumb and Dumber, The Departed, Man on Fire, Superbad, Something About Mary, Rushmore. Likes: My family, friends, my job, lipgloss, big trucks, reading, camping, hiking, our animals, Yankee baseball, sports and celebrity scandal and the feeling of crossing a completed item off a to-do list. Dislikes: talking on the phone, being without Henry or Reese or Jeremy, getting food stuck in my teeth, insomnia, busy signals on phones, drama, headaches, and public swimming pools. Heros: my boys, my Princess, my Dad, Keely, Tim, Bailey and Lonnie. [About Jeremy] Age: Finally thirty-three. Mood: Ready for warm weather. Nicknames: Jerome (alter ego), Lover. Food: Just about any meat. Music: Anything that's good. Books: What's a book? Seriously. Television:The Office, 30 Rock, ESPN, Lost, AFV, Ninja Warrior. Movies:Dumb and Dumber, A River Runs Through It, Red Dawn (it's Swayze-licious), The Usual Suspects, Tommy Boy. Likes: anything outdoors, hunting, camping, fishing, golfing,(basically, anything ending in an ing), baseball, college football, Atlanta Braves, Florida State football, X-Games. (summer and winter) Dislikes: Snow, heat, BCS busters, frisbee golf, prentention. Heros: My Grandpa, Keely, Tim, Bailey and Lonnie.
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