On December 19th, the four of us went to the Junior High School Band Christmas Concert held at the High School down the street. Our neighbor’s daughter, Amanda, was playing her saxophone and clarinet for the event. During the concert, Henners went through three packages of Scooby Snacks, although he offered half of them to his crush, Michelle (Amanda’s mom). After about 3 songs, Henry exclaimed “We done!” and kept this ritual up whenever a song would finish. I had to break it to him that no, in fact, we had 7 songs to go. As I mentioned before the “We done!” went on for the rest of the concert. Although, he did love to clap his hands whenever they finished the numbers. His favorite was the percussion pieces that featured the big drums. Reesie just chilled and watched the stage, struck by the noise and the shiny instruments. She also liked the red and green soft spotlights on the ceiling. She had a great time just being held and people watching.
Nudie Pics
Little Reese loves to have her clothes off. She kicks and grins whenever she gets her diaper changed. She gets this really intent and serious look on her face like kicking is her only purpose and she's got a job to do! She really lets loose once she figures she’s taking a bath. She looks all around at everything she can possibly see in the tub. Afterwards, I like to just hold her for a while in her warm towel. I’ve posted some pics of her below during her bath. I also told her that these are the only nude or semi-nude photos of her to ever be on the internet.

Cute Kids
Friday, December 21st, Henners had a Christmas party at school. They watched a movie, sang songs and broke a piñata! When I picked him up from school and got him in the car, the first thing he said to me was, “Mom, I had a good day.” Aww…I was so happy! Here’s his Christmas card to us. The teacher asked him to tell her what his favorite thing about his Mom and Dad were. He just told her his favorite things….period.

When I got home, Reesie and I played on the bed for a while. I made noises with her and imitated her the best I could. She loved the interaction. When I stuck my tongue out at her, she got a big smile and let out the loudest “Hoo, hoo” that I’ve heard her make to date! It brought tears to my eyes!
Art Attack
What do you do when it’s too snowy to go out and your three year old is feeling creative? Well, I don’t know what you do, but we decided to finger paint! Here’s the evidence.

Do Not Attempt at Home
Every eight years or so, I get this feeling that somehow I know how to cut hair. Don’t ask me why. I should know better. For me, cutting anyone’s hair with the exception of Henry’s has always gone horribly wrong. So I guess the last time I got busy with the clippers was 1999 because Saturday (Dec 22) when Jeremy said he was feelings scruffy I told him I would be happy to trim his hair.
So…… I started....and it didn’t end pretty. Jeremy’s eyes were getting pretty wide about two minutes into my handiwork, which, by the way, wasn’t too handy. I cut him a little close and fairly uneven. I urged him to go to the “Quick Cuts” or whatever it was called up the street. After we both had a good laugh and cry (from laughing so hard) by looking at him in the mirror, he was on his way to the stylist. Before he left Jeremy asked me with a wink, “What did I ever do to you to deserve this?!” Oh, by the way, the stylist said that Jeremy was the second guy in that morning that had attempted an at-home hair cut. I'll never do that again (well, not until 2015 at least)
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