So, Wednesday, Henry had his “Winter Show” at gymnastics. He’s only been enrolled a month, but I thought he would really like to show off what he’d been learning to all the Grandparents.
Oh, my. Show off is right. Let me preface by saying that Henry is the smallest one in his class (most of them average 4 years going on 5 years of age). He may not be the best listener, but he tries so hard during class and more importantly, he has so much fun. He definitely brought the house down with his “gymnastic antics”! He did everything so well, including a few tricks he had never even tried before. When it came time to finish a trick, all the children were instructed to hold their hands high above their head and say “Ta-da!” Well, Henry did one better. After his “Ta-da!” he would then place his hands on his hips and bow for everyone. People were roaring! On the video that Jeremy shot, you can barely hear the cheering over Jeremy’s laughing. Oh, Henners, you are a crack up!

Polar “Not So Much” Express
Thursday was Henry’s birthday. He was so excited that he was finally three! That night the four of us trekked up to Heber City to ride the “Polar Express”. First of all, Henry was so excited he could hardly contain himself on the way there. Once we got there and he saw all the train cars lined up outside, he just had to be outside (in the snow) running up and down the platform dragging Dad along. Reese and I were much more patiently waiting inside where it was warm. We had Reese all bundled up in a winter snow suit that was red and white. Henry thought she was dressed like Santa Claus.
When the conductor shouted “All Aboard”, Henry pulled at us to get up to the train steps to get on the train. The only issue was that we were about 20th in line and had to wait our turn. This concept was totally lost on Henners. After what must have seemed like forever to Henry, we were on board and in our seats. We were visited by elves and hot chocolate chefs and Mrs. Claus. After that, Henry wanted off the train. We still had 45 minutes to go. Henry willed the train to go faster out loud. They call it the Heber Creeper for a reason, Folks. All this time, Reesie was enjoying her bottle and the hanging Christmas Lights. She spent a good deal of the ride looking over my shoulder at all the events going on around her. She loved it!
Finally, after I kid you not, 3 songs of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” (Santa was kind of tardy), Santa entered our train car. Henry got immediately reverent and angelic. He was so excited when Santa got to our row. He handed both Reesie and Henry a jingle bell. The rest of the way Henry shook his jingle bell and sang “Jingle Bells” to anyone that would listen.

Well Baby Check-up
Friday, Reesie had her two month check-up. Of course the nursing staff cooed over her the entire time. She measured 22.5 inches long and 12.25 lbs (wow!). For height she’s in the 60th percentile, for weight the 90th. Good girl. The doctor commented on how pretty she is and what a well dispositioned baby she is too. When it came time for her shots, I was upset, because Reese never cries hard and I knew that she would. She did pretty well, I think she was startled more than in discomfort. She stopped crying immediately once I picked her up. What a brave little girl! I brought her home and gave her a warm bath and massaged her little legs. She was pretty awake so she exercised her legs with her kicking ball that she loves so much. Then she zonked out completely. She slept a good deal of Friday and Saturday, but was in good spirits when she was awake. We think she is amazing!
Bruiser is a Loser
Saturday, the four of us headed to “Salt City” as Henry calls it to see an art exhibition at our friend Scott Buckner’s house. He just graduated from the U as an art major and is extremely talented in contemporary art. He works in our office and is a good friend of mine. Once we arrived, Henry recognized him and immediately started calling him Buckner like we do at work. He remembered that Buckner has a betta fish named Killer that he keeps at his desk at work. Henry asked Scott several times if he could see his fish. Scott told him that his fish wasn’t there, but that he had a better animal for him to play with. We all went upstairs and Scott’s wife brought out their Chihuahua named Brusier. Henry loved Brusier! He held him and petted him so gently. When Bruiser ran downstairs, Henry chased after him calling, “Loser! Loser, where are you?” Scott and his wife thought it was hilarious. For the brief 30 minutes we were there, you could hear Henry calling for their dog “Loser” throughout their house. As we left I thanked them for the food, the art and for letting my 3-year old insult their dog.
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