Sunday morning around 9:00 Jeremy and I decided to give Henry one of our birthday presents to him early so that he would have some time to play with it. We got him a 4-wheeler hot wheels. It’s fire engine red and called something important like “The Ninja Extreme”. It goes about 2.5 miles per hour on the lower setting and 5 mph on the higher one. (We have it set to the lower). He was so cute when he first saw it. We thought he would be so surprised and excited, but he just ran up to it and got on it and started it right up like he knew what he was doing. He drove up and down the sidewalk for about 40 minutes before I coaxed him in for some hot chocolate to warm up, then he was out for another half hour. I hope the neighbors didn’t mind us riding up and down the street Sunday morning – the little motor is kind of loud. Most everyone that drove by was heading to church, and they know us so they would wave and Henry would wave back just as proud as could be. I held Reesie up to the window so she could see Henry riding on his new toy or “trailer” as he calls it. We don’t have any idea where that comes from. He wanted to ride it later in the evening after dark too, but Jeremy thought ahead and told him that the battery needed to recharge (wink, wink) and that Mom would take him out Monday for a few rides one the battery had more juice.

That’s the number one question Henry has been asking me all week. Well, Sunday, I finally got to tell him that, yes, today was indeed his birthday party at the Dinosaur Park. After we spent a good deal of the morning riding on the 4-wheeler, we loaded up and went to Henners’ party at the Dinosaur Park. He had so much fun! All his cousins were there as well as Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles. Of course, he was spoiled with tons of goodies and gifts from everyone. After lunch, the kids and some of the brave grown-ups braved the frigid temperatures to go outside and feed the ducks, Henry’s favorite albino trout and visit the other sites in the park. As usual, Henry urged everyone to “run real fast” through the park. His “best friend Lexa” as he calls his older cousin, was so good to run with him through the park and help him and the other small ones on the play ground equipment.
Henry declared it too cold for Reese to go outside to visit the dinosaurs, but that it would warm up at night, so we should bring her back then. He also reminded Aunt Kimberly and Uncle Jake when each of them were holding Reese that Reesie was his sister and that she drank milk, not orange soda. Thanks for the clarification there, buddy!

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