Every day I exercise our little girl with her activity mat, some stretches, some tummy time and finally her massage. Reesie loves to lie on her activity mat and kick the ball I have hanging near her feet. She just wails on that thing! If I move it, she searches for it with her feet until she finds it. She loves to grip it between her feet or ankles and roll it around that way too. However, Reese isn’t as fond of her tummy time. She’s pretty good for the first 3 or 4 minutes. She takes in her new views of the world and gives out a few grunts as she works her head back and forth. But after that, she gets a little frustrated. It’s taking her longer to get frustrated though, which is a great sign!

The first thing when Henry wakes up he asks for is his milk and his Spiderman suit. If it’s a school day, we make him wait for the Spidey suit until he gets home, but otherwise, the costume is his typical outfit for the day. When he gets home from school, he grabs his suit and asks us to help him put it on. We strip him down and then put it on him. The next few hours are a blur…sometimes Jeremy plays Doc-Oc sometimes I do. Usually Spiderman catches me, Jeremy and Reese in his web, other times he only snares one of the slower cats (Taz or Meesha). A few nights ago, Henry and I were making sugar cookies. I turned my back on him for only a minute and he had the entire Tupperware container on the floor and was rummaging through all the cookies. He didn’t know I was watching him, but I was. Later, I asked Spidey if he knew who had taken one of the cookies covered in red frosting. He told me that it wasn’t him and that he “Could not know” who it was. Hmmmm….I think this picture tells another story!

Christmas Village in a Hurry!
Saturday night, Jeremy and I took Henners to Christmas Village in Ogden. We dropped Reese off at Jeremy’s parents house while the three of us braved the cold temps outside. Henry had a great time, but seemed in a hurry toward the end. He was concerned about leaving Reesie at Grandmas and kept saying, “We got to hurry. We have to get Reesie back with us.” Aww, what a cute big brother! We assured him that she was fine with Grandma Lauri and Grandpa Wayne. So, after covering the Village at record pace, only stopping for hot chocolate which he thought was yu-uh-ummy, we were off to pick up Reese.

1 comment:
So cute Jen! How fun to have them both. Hope you're doing well.
Merry Christmas!
Kendy Ferguson
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