Wow, that seems like ages ago, doesn’t it? I’ll give you all the sweet and low down in a shortened version. We ate. We played games. We went sledding. We watched football. We ate again. Whew! I have to say, I don’t really like New Years all that much. It signals the end of the holiday season and that, my friends, blows. We usually try to plan some fun activities for the latter half of the winter like sledding and snowshoeing and ski trips to keep our spirits up.
I've posted proof of our funtivities on New Years Eve and New Years Day below. On "the eve" we went sledding with our neighbors (Henry's girlfriend is Michelle). It was so nice and warm. Reese hung out at the bottom of the hill with us while the boys played. That evening we played games (Henry and I cheated...typical).

Uncle Donald
I’ve been trying to keep track as best I can of all the funny things Henners has been saying lately. His little vocabulary is growing so rapidly and it’s fun to keep track of his progress. So everyone, I bring you insights into Henry’s vocabulary….
Uncle Donald = Old Mac Donald as in “Old Mac Donald had a farm…”
“You mean at me?” = Can be used two ways. 1) Rough translation, “Are you mad at me?” or 2) “You’re mean to me”
Gock-toll-tee = Guacamole
Jerfer = Jennifer
Jermee = Jeremy
Quarter = Porter, his best friend at school
Cressen = Preston, his other friend at school
Ballyball = any sport played with a ball with the exception of football
Crash-‘em = Football
My pewter = Computer
Mad ass car = Madagascar the movie
Pacrik = Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants
Fizzy juice = Orange soda
Baff = Bath
Moosum = Museum
Guck = Duck
Wardrobe Malfunction
There really isn't a story here. I just like to snap pictures of the kids with their shirts on their heads. I have a bunch of Henners when he was small. They look so cute and innocent. Here's the latest of Reese's "wardrobe malfunctions".

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