Yeppers, the kiddies are both sick. It started Friday. I noticed Henry and Reesie both had a little runny nose and slight cough. By Saturday night, both were not happy little campers. Poor Reesie just wanted to be held or propped up in her swing. Henry wanted baths constantly, to snuggle and to lounge in his bean bag. Sunday, Jeremy and I traded on and off between Reese and Henry running to comfort one of them or making a dash to the pharmacy for something. With all the humidifiers running in our house right about now, we could grow a tropical forest. It smells wonderful though! I’ve got some serious eucalyptus and lavender oils going for the wee ones.
I have to say though, both kids are troopers and neither is a complainer about when they don’t feel well. Henry’s great at taking his medicine, and Reese is happy to just be held. She does get very angry with me, however, whenever I suck all the mucus from her nose. She’s happy a few minutes later though when she breathes easier. She just loves to be cuddled and have her little head stroked while she lays there with us.

Oz Fest When Henry feels under the weather, for some reason he prefers to watch The Wizard of Oz, or as he calls it, “The Lizard of Oz with That One Robot”. I assume he is referring to the Tin Man in the movie. So the past few days, it’s been our own version of “Oz Fest” here.

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