You may all notice a new look to the old Glass Family Blog. You like? I have several spaces over there that I hope you all continue to check when you read our blog. I've changed the names of some of the right-hand column features. "You Said What?" has random or funny things you might hear us say, but you'll have to come visit us to hear them live. "So You Wanna Know More, Huh? has more information about all four us us than you will ever care to know. "Down With It" are things that we like right now and "We're So Over It" of course, are things we no longer care for.
I also added some links to favorite web sites that we like to visit. You may like them too. Actually, some are just weird sites that we have stumbled across.
Hate is a Strong Word, But I Really, Really Don’t Like You
If you’re like me, you quickly notice your pets personalities. Well, much to the chagrin of Jeremy, I also assign them secret lives. For example, Meesha is smart and cunning. She might be a secret agent. Taz is a tomcat, kind of a playa, if you will. (Which is funny because he won't leave the house, ever.) Bat is brawny and kind of a muscle head. Max is a Republican. Don’t worry, even with our differing political views, he and I have forged a strong bond.
Back to Taz though. A very real part of Taz’s existence is this love for me and his forced tolerance of Henry and Jeremy. He may not even know about Reese yet. He must assume the noises she makes come from Henry too. Another part of Taz’s experience is that he has an unspoken understanding with us. Once the kids are tucked in bed, he has free reign over the house and more importantly, our bed. When Henry was sick a few weeks back, he would inevitably end up in our room, sleeping with us in our bed. This is problematic itself for several reasons including Jeremy’s back, blanket stealing, and just plain not a good habit. We, as a family, overlooked one major player in this whole deal. Taz. He waits patiently every day for Henry to either pass out from exhaustion in the form of a nap, bed time or when he leaves the house. Taz then comes out to play and mingle with the family. For four nights in a row, this didn’t happen. He was ticked! He took vengeance out on the family with his bladder. “That’ll show them” he thought. Well, he did more than show us, he made us smell his hate. Taz had a well calculated "accident" on the kitchen floor, including some of Henner’s new clothes. We quickly realized what had happened and made it up to Taz immediately. Henry slept in his room and Taz was once again in ours. Problem solved....for now.

Little Pants are the New Awesome
The picture will speak volumes here. Henry loves to wear his big-boy underpants over his pull-ups. He calls them his “little pants”. He likes to sleep in them and wear them at home.
iphones are the New Awesome*
What can I say? This is the first technology gadget that I am absolutely addicted to. It’s helped organize files, contacts and my favorite websites. It is compatible with my iMac at work for syncing calendars and events. It slices, dices and cleans itself. It helped me lose 20 pounds, win friends and influence people. I can even “set it and forget it”.
*not all claims here are valid, or substantiated. Some claims are out and out lies.
Coworkers are the New Awesome
Before I came back to work we hired Kylee (who I called Keely for two months strait – sorry! I had Keely and Tim on the brain and never wanted to refer to Keely as Kylee) Luckily, Kylee understood. Anyway, Kylee is the new awesome, definitely! She’s smart, she’s resourceful, she is a team player, she slices, dices….no wait, that’s my phone. We also beefed up our staff with Sonya too. Now we have the fab five – Sara, me, Rozzie, Kylee and Sonya. We are the most productive and advanced we’ve ever been! Whoo-hoo!
Jeremy is the New Awesome
He will forever and always be my new awesome. He is the only thing on this list that does actually slice and dice. I would never set him and forget him though. I couldn’t do half of what I need to or want to without him. He’s a super dad to the kids and the best husband a gal could ask for. He’s so kind and gentle and most of all, he makes my heart sing, he makes me happy and me makes me laugh.
My iMac is the New Awesome
I know I mentioned in an earlier post about our new iMacs and how awesome they are. But folks, every day I find something I love more about them. They do have some bugs to work out, but I have three words for you all… “drag and drop”. This handy dandy feature will take minutes off of prep time for proposals and art work.
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