Tuesday I had a meeting in Logan. On the way home I thought to myself, “Why don’t I stop by and surprise my parents? They’ve always been good to me and I know they’d be excited to see me. I haven’t seen them in almost 2 weeks. Wow! I bet they’ll be happy I dropped by.” Well, I was wrong. My Dad was surprised to see me, but then I could tell he was slightly saddened when I didn’t have the kids or Jeremy with me. We had a good talk about what he’s been up to and even a little about politics. Then my mom came home. She saw my car outside so she knew I was there. She walked in and had this huge smile on her face (just like I imagined she would). I quickly announced to her that it was just me and the kids couldn’t come. I don’t think she believed me since she still kind of looked around for signs of Henry and Reese. (Henners loves to hide and jump out to surprise people). I think it took about 90 seconds for it to set in that it was just me and only me. The look of disappointment on her face was obvious. I know my parents love me, but they definitely like their grandchildren better.

Henry and Meesha are no longer in a “cold war” holding pattern. They have officially called a truce and now love each other. It’s taken a long two years, but finally, Meesha has come around. Now, every morning, when Meesha hears Henry come in our room to watch cartoons she jumps up and comes right to him to be loved. When he sleeps at night, we have to open his door a crack so she can come and go as she pleases in his room. I often catch them napping together too. Meesha loves Henry so much that she should marry him already.
Clothes Horse
Back when Reesie was only 6 weeks or so, I noticed a strange phenomena. She would smile and get really excited when she looked at her closet. I thought that maybe we had a clothes horse on our hands. I know now, with complete certainty that, yes, definitely, we have a clothes horse. Recently, I ordered a bunch of spring clothes on line for Reesie and when they arrived I held them up for her to see. She smiled and did her little girlie "coo" when I held up all the brightly colored clothes. She’s gonna be trouble when she’s old enough to demand designer duds. She's totally worth it.

We’re Still Not Rich
So, Jeremy and I had a day date Saturday (the 9th). Grandma Jo and Grandpa Brent watched the kiddies while Jeremy and I drove to Idaho, did a little car trip, sight seeing and bought a powerball lottery ticket. We did a little shopping, caught a movie and then had an early dinner (Maddox in the house, Whoot! Whoot!). The next day Jeremy asked me to check the lottery numbers online. While I was checking I noticed that he was holding the ticket angled just enough that I could see the numbers. So when I started reading off the numbers “online” I really read the numbers off the ticket. He was getting pretty excited as I neared the end of the first row of numbers since the numbers I gave him matched our picks exactly. When I finally let him in on the joke, he wasn’t too happy. I think he actually thought we won. He wasn’t too devastated since no one had one yet. He now looks forward to his Wednesday trip to Colorado to pick up another chance at the big time. We’ll let you all know if we strike it rich.

Leud Fireman
Sunday, we could hear Henners downstairs in his playroom making a ruckus. A few minutes later, a fireman and a pirate wearing no pants arrived.

Work and Doughnuts
Friday, I had to go into work for a few hours. Jeremy and I had a plan all set in place. I would drop the kids at work, he would then take the kids to the Sportsman Expo at the Salt Palace for a few hours. I would meet up with them a few hours later.
Henry, on the other hand, had another plan. His plan went something like this: I will get in the car with Mom and Reesie. Halfway to Salt Lake I will ask my Mom for a doughnut since every time I go to work with her there are doughnuts there. While we drive thru the doughnut joint, I will flirt with the window worker and snag a free doughnut. I will then get chocolate all over my face and when asked about it, I will deny it. Then, once inside Dad’s office, I will run and shout loudly for my Dad. I hope that it causes my Mom a little bit of embarrassment. When it comes time to leave, I will let Dad get me and Reesie almost to the truck before I insist we go back inside to give Mom a hug. Once that is done, we will head to the Sportsman Expo. I will insist that while Dad pushes Reese in her stroller that he give me a piggy back, forcing him to handle the stroller with one hand. I will find a woman selling biscotti and buy one. I will then declare it “yucky” and spit it out immediately. I will “ohhhh” and “ahhhh” over all the animal displays while asking constantly “Where’s my Momma?” When we finally do meet up with Mom to do some shopping, I will run around and hide. For some reason, I will also take off my shoes. Once you get me in the car, I will play with Reese for a few minutes and fall asleep before we get home.
Seedy But Delicious
Our favorite Mexican Restaurant in our hood is called Mi Rancho. It’s delightful and really authentic food. However, it is located in the parking lot of a run down motel that rents by the week, day and I think, hour. It’s near a truck stop so I imagine that’s why it has such rental agreements. We kind of chuckle whenever we go there at the motel surrounding the restaurant. Typically, the motel is empty, but on Sunday it was full. Fun fact: they serve a dish in a HUGE bowl, almost as big as the mixing kind. This dish is a spicy stew with fish, shrimp, crab legs, whole chilies and other ingredients. I think it’s called Mocahete, but we call it El Chupacabra.
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