Henry thinks the monitors that we have around the house to listen to Reesie in her room while she sleeps are live walkie-talkies. If he happens to hear her stir he will run up to the monitor (which only picks up sound) and whisper in it so softly “Be fine Reesie” or “Reese, what you need? You want your milk?” If he hears us in her room talking to her, he either tries to talk to us through the monitors or he claims he heard a ghost in Reese’s room. Inevitably, he wants to come in and look at her sleeping. Awww, he’s so protective over his little sister.

Over the Superbowl weekend, of course, like everyone else, we were dumped on by several feet of snow. I for one love it. But then again, I for one don’t have to shovel it either. I am fascinated that everyone around me is ready for this stuff to go away. Winter is only 1 month old, folks! I love, love, love it! We’ve already got Henry into some winter sports, four-wheeling, sledding, snowmobiling and snowshoeing. When he’s old enough, he’ll be skiing or boarding if he likes too. I can’t wait for Reesie to get a little older so she can be outside in the white stuff as well.
We spent Superbowl Sunday eating chips and dip, watching the game and most importantly the commercials! Reese played and sat on our laps most of the time. She watched Henry run back and forth playing with his cars and got a kick out of him jumping around. She loves to just sit and watch him. She definitely knows the sound of his voice and will try to find him once she’s heard him. And for those of you that know Henry, even a little bit, you know that you don’t have to strain very hard at all to hear him.
Funny Bunny
Again, I present my fetish for snapping shots of Reese with her shirt on her head. She must think I’m crazy. I Feel Bad for Bill Gates’ Kids
At work, they switched the entire marketing staff from PCs to Macs. They tried it once before, but I turned it down. It was too stressful at the time and we had too many hiccups in the system. Well, not any longer, baby! This week is our first week in the Mac based world, and I really do love it! I typically do everything to avoid any type of change, but this time, change is good. We’re using iMacs (the new ones with the CPU built right into the monitor). Can I just tell you that the monitors we are working off of are 24”!!
However, the other day, I had a sad thought. When everyone around them is buzzing about their ipods, imacs and iphones and other technology, Bill Gates’ kids can’t relate because there most certainly is a ban on them in the Gates home. You know that all their friends have an ipod, but have to keep them hidden when they hang out. I’ve been to Seattle where the Gates family lives. I’ve seen all the commuters wearing the identifiable iphone white ear pieces. How uncomfortable is it to watch TV at the Gates house with all the eye catching ipod commercials? Do they change the channel or just sit there in silence? Jeremy assured me that Bill and Melinda Gates with their billions of dollars are going to be just fine. He told me to use my pity somewhere else. I think he may be right.
Shoe-she and Breakfast Ham
Saturday the family went out for sushi, or shoe-she and Henry calls it. We actually coaxed him to try a piece this time! He ate all the rice off of the outside and downed some Miso soup with tofu. (He thought it was chicken soup and told me it was “licious”, his word for delicious). Jeremy and I must eat at the sushi joint way too often. When we walk in, they immediately seat us in the corner in a large booth that we’ve requested a few times. Henry loves to draw and watch television while Reese coos at the large red and white lanterns hanging from the ceiling.
Prior to sushi (which we've been eating every weekend lately) the four of us had a big breakfast. Well, actually, Reesie had a bottle, Henry pieced on a little bit of bacon and pancakes, so I guess Jeremy and I had a big breakfast. We did have sort of our own little "dinner theater" though. Henry danced and sang for the rest of us while we ate.

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