Well, in my last entry I wrote how the kids had both fallen sick, but were doing nicely. Since then, Reesie’s little cold worsened to point that she started spitting up due to all the mucus in her system. She still stayed a little trooper though. Jeremy was able to leave work early Thursday and get her looked at. The doc said she had a severe cold and would bounce back with antibiotics. Friday, I was home with her and I just held her all day. By Saturday, she was back to her old self and doing much, much better. Grandma Jo and Grandpa Brent even took Henry Saturday so that Jeremy and I could focus all our attention on little Reese. I’m happy to report that by Sunday she was back to being all smiles and was very happy to see the return of Henry. Do we bore her already?

I Can Do That
So, while Jeremy and I tended to Reese and Henry over the weekend, a strange thing happened. We watched and were obsessed with the Winter X Games. We’ve always watched the X Games, but I haven’t had the chance to just sit and actively watch them. Jeremy’s always been hooked on them. We Tivo’d every event. While we watched them, Henry would say, “I can do that,” just so matter-of-factly. During the snowmobile freestyle events where the riders do tricks and flips, Henry would insist that he could and has done that. Henry’s favorite event was the snowmobile events and the snowboarding freestyle events. Reese actually had a favorite event too. She likes the Ski X contests where the skiers just race down the hill side by side, each wearing a brightly colored jersey. She would “coo” and “ahhmmm” at the television at the bright colors in contrast with the white snow. (Perhaps we have a little snow bunny on our hands thanks to Tim?) Jeremy and I definitely liked the snowboarding half-pipe contests or anything where Shaun White was entered.
Ultimate Warrior
Many of you already know, but Jeremy has a strange affection for Ultimate Warrior on the G4 network. It’s a foreign program out of Japan where basically, men and women test their agility and strength on an adult sized playground set. Henry’s caught the program a couple of times and likes to watch it with Jeremy once in a while. Well, in the spirit of “I Can Do That”, Jeremy and I set up a small, mock obstacle course for Henry to weave in and out of to prove his “strength and agility”.
What was the course make-up you say? Well, thank you for asking. We used Reese’s activity mat for Henry to crawl through, a few lego towers for him to bob and weave in and out of, a soft play mat for him to jump over and finally the bean bag to jump into at the end of his challenge. Henry was so excited, but he only got through it a few times. Reese’s toys dangling from the activity mat distracted him almost every time and he would stop to play with them, thus foiling his attempt to finish. Eventually, he ended up just running across the floor and bounding into the bean bag. Reese had a great time watching all the commotion from our laps. She would just follow Henry intently and smile at him as he ran around to get her attention to watch him.